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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Dec-2011粵語被動句探析黃炳蔚 ; 李深紅 
22011The Beijing Olympics and Expressions of National Identity in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In Kelly, W. W. & Brownell, S. (Eds.), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports (CEAS Occasional Monograph Series).Lau, P. W. C ; Lam, Michael H.S. ; Leung, B. W. C. 
32011Photodynamic therapy (PDT) - Initiation of apoptosis via activation of stress-activated p38 MAPK and JNK signal pathway in H460 cell linesWu RWK ; Yow CMN ; Wong CK ; Lam YH 
42011Development and validation of a fine-motor assessment tool for use with young children in a Chinese populationSiu, A.M.H. ; Lai, C.Y.Y. ; Chiu, A.S.M. ; Yip, C.K. 
52011FosPeg®-mediated photocytotoxicity suppresses cancer cell growth through down-regulation of MEK pathwaysWu RWK ; Huang Z ; Yow CMN 
6Apr-2011The new Labour Contract Law meets the financial tsunami: Challenges to managing human resources in ChinaChan, A.W. 
7Oct-2011Multiple Foci and Bases of Commitment in a Chinese Workforce? A Study of Chinese Manufacturing WorkersChan, A.W. ; Snape, E ; Redman, T. 
8Sep-2011Facial Emotion Linked Cooperation in Patients with Paranoid Schizophrenia: A test on the Interpersonal Communication ModelTse, Vincent W. S. ; Lu, Y. ; Bond, Alyson J. ; Chan, Raymond C. K. ; Tam, Danny W. H. 
9May-2011Motivation for Achievement as Perceived Resource Value in Social Rank Theory of Depression: A Structural Equation Modeling AnalysisTse, Vincent W. S. ; Wu, Jayne ; Poon, K. C. 
10Jun-2011The Relationship between Personality, Social Functioning, and Depression: A Structural Equation Modeling AnalysisTse, Vincent W. S. ; Rochelle, Tina L. ; Cheung, Jacky C. K.