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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000An Empowerment Group for Chinese Cancer Patients in Hong KongHong Kong University Press ; Lai, Cecilia L. W. ; Law, Maria Y. Y. ; Leung, Pamela P. Y. 
2011Technologies of Image Guidance and the Development of Advanced Linear Accelerator Systems for RadiotherapyKarger ; Wu, Vincent W. C. ; Law, Maria Y. Y. ; Star-Lack, Josh ; Cheung, Fion W. K. ; Ling, Clifton C. 
2020Chapter 4: Efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks in Differentiating Breast Cancers in Digital MammographyKada S, TANG FH 
Mar-2013Newborn Stem Cells: Identity, Function and Clinical PotentialJohn Wiley, Sons ; Park, Anthony ; Chan, Louis ; Gohel, Mayur D. I. ; Murphy, Sean ; Manuelpillai, Ursula ; Chidgey, Ann ; Boyd, Richard 
Jun-2017Rehabilitation in Hong KongRoutledge ; Man, D. ; Yip, Calvin C. K. ; Lai, C. ; Lee, G. 
2017Mutagenesis and Genome Engineering of Epstein-Barr Virus in Cultured Human Cells by CRISPR/Cas9Humana Press ; Yuen, Sam K. S. ; Chan, C. P. ; Kok, K. H. ; Jin, D. Y. 
2018Investigating the Use of a video-based Social Information Processing Interview Schedule (SIPIS) for Individuals with ASD subtypesAvid Science ; Tsang, Vicky K. L. ; Chow, Joseph 
2014IEP Development in Hong Kong: Implications for the FutureCentre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE), Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. ; Tsang, Vicky K. L. ; Sin, K. F. 
2000Dyslexia in Hong Kong: Challenges and OpportunitiesInTech ; Tsui, C. M. ; Li-Tsang Cecilia W. P. ; Lung, Grace P. Y. 
2005Radiation Therapy Imforation SystemShanghai Science and Technology ; Zhang, X. ; Law, Maria Y. Y. ; Zhang, J. 
2014物理治療師的話:「讓心與身一起康復」教育出版社有限公司 ; 胡文心 
2008Image Guidance in Radiation TherapyWorld Scientific Publishing ; Law, Maria Y. Y. 
Oct-2018Chapter 4: Investigating the use of a vido-based Social Information Processing Interview Schedule (SIPIS) for individuals with ASD subtypes, in Top 5 Contributions on Psychiatry (ebook)Tsang, V.K.L. ; Chow, Joseph 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13